Sunday, March 19, 2006

modern worship

It has been written:
There are several reasons for opposing it [modern worship music]. One, it’s too new. Two, it’s often worldly, even blasphemous. The new Christian music is not as pleasant as the more established style because there are so many new songs, you can’t learn them all. It also puts too much emphasis on instrumental music rather than on Godly lyrics. This new music creates disturbances, making people act indecently and disorderly. The preceding generation got along without it.
Some may think that this was written recently, as a critique of “contemporary” worship choruses, that may not include older hymns. Actually,
Those words were voiced in 1723. They were a critique of Isaac Watts, who produced the first hymnbook in the English language, and wrote such traditional favorites as “Jesus Shall Reign” (based on Psalm 72), “O God, Our Help in Ages Past” (based on Psalm 90), and “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross”. [Source: Gary Tangeman, Disciplemaking Church, CLC, 1996, P.164-165]
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