Monday, March 06, 2006

library of our mind

In small group yesterday we discussed Phil 4:4-9. We used an image of our minds being represented by rooms. That is we thought of our minds as "studies" or "libraries" and then invited Jesus in for a tour of it.

We discussed that among us, He would find several different kinds of environments:
  1. room filled with good stuff.
  2. room that was empty, i.e., it didn't contain bad things but it was simply empty.
  3. room that had conflicting items. Some of the things were "godly" but other stuff was clearly of the world.
  4. room that was filled with good stuff but kind of dusty and under-utilized so that even though there were godly thoughts, it was not of use.
It was a good time of really analyzing if and how we take every thought captive for Christ. We discussed how important it is to take in only that which is true, noble, right, etc.. We even discussed how these right things to think upon are not always found in "religious" activity but also simply through nature, etc..

Then of course we concluded how if we had minds that were proactively filled with these things and then actively exercised, we would respond as verse 4, "Rejoice!" We would not be anxious. Our every thought would be communion with God (prayer). We would not have any anxiety since we would be filled with the knowledge of Him and what He intends on doing in every situation. And we would subsequently experience true peace.

We want to take every thought captive for Christ (2 Co 10.5) to ultimately put on the mind of Christ (1 Co 2.16).

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