Tuesday, March 07, 2006

lesbian homecoming king

Every once in awhile I think I can just read the news and come away with a neutral sense. And every time I try I am proved wrong...

Md. College Crowns Lesbian Homecoming King -- Newsday.com
By Associated Press

March 7, 2006, 7:19 AM EST

FREDERICK, Md. -- Hood College is reviewing its homecoming rules after a lesbian was crowned king, a college official said.

Jennifer Jones, the 21-year-old senior who beat out three men for the honor, said the crowning was a positive step for the private liberal arts college...
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1 comment:

  1. hmmm, i don't know what to think...? should i be upset, disgusted or uninterested?

    how manly do those three men feel that lost to a lesbian woman? that can't be good for the ego.
