Thursday, March 16, 2006


Erwin McManus of Mosaic is teaching from 1 Sa 13&14 - it's great! Here's the set-up. There are thousands of Philistines moving in to make war on King Saul and a few hundred of his men. The Philistines are smart and wipe out the blacksmiths to keep Israel from making swords. For some reason, the Hebrews decide it would be a good idea to give their plowshares, axes, and such to the Philistines to sharpening - they even pay the Philistines to do it. Dirty Philistines don't come through. Only Saul and his son Jonathan have swords.

So Jonathan decides to do something about it. Here's the first cool thing. He says to his young armor-bearer in chapter 14, verse 6, “Come, let’s go over to the outpost of those uncircumcised fellows. Perhaps the Lord will act in our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few.” Check out the "perhaps" part. He knows God. He knows what God can do. And he knows that God may or may not deliver him. Sometimes we have the Daniel in the lions den or Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the furnace experience. And sometimes we do not. Many more were eaten by lions and burned in the furnace than were rescued in this manner. But regardless, our God is able to save us and we will do what He has called us to do.

After that, the armor-bearer is so cool. He should have replied, "well let me know when you are sure" but instead he replies, “Do all that you have in mind. Go ahead; I am with you heart and soul.” How many leaders have built a relationship like that with those that we are called to serve? So many of us are wrestling with the congregation. That in and of itself speaks volumes. We need to develop relationships in a way that the response is as this one.

Finally Jonathan tells him, “Come, then; we will cross over toward the men and let them see us." What is the deal with that? Shouldn't he have tried some sneak attack? No! He is saying, "look, this is what is right in the eyes of God and I'm stepping out." Many of us today are sneaking around. We pray for the low risk situations. Or we pray and then when something happens, we say, "yeh, I was praying for you." But life in the Kingdom is bigger and more risky than that. God is calling us to step out. To be different than the pack. To boldly proclaim the reality of His Kingdom in a world that has no hope without Him.

Praise God for His faithfulness.

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