Monday, March 27, 2006

humilty ... oh, sorry "humility"

In the realm of apologies, this one is great. Few people apologize. Most that apologize only apologize for the hurt the other party received. Here is Mark Driscoll apologizing not only for the damage caused but also what specifically he did wrong. And he is apologizing at the same level (i.e., public) that the offense was made. That gives one real hope that changed behavior is soon to follow. Let's learn from this.

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  1. Anonymous5:27 PM

    So Rick, in the spirit of humility, do you have the guts to apologise for your abuse of the English language in the horrendous misspelling of the title. ;)

    Very encouraged to see such a godly response to having failed. I'll have to remember that if I'm ever wrong

  2. and notice I avoided the temptation to blame the spell checker.
