Tuesday, March 14, 2006

greasemonkey and blogging

This is in response to some of you asking how I do my blog posts. I tried some fancy stuff but I'm not smart enough. Mostly I just use blogger's dashboard. Since I use Firefox, I have installed Greasemonkey. With that I have found Browservulsel's stuff to be helpful. I've selected the edit comments, large post editor, and large template editor from there. I then found a script for Technorati multiple word tags (comes close to what I like) at userscripts.org. It's not what I want but again, I'm not smart enough to figure out how to edit it. So I just live with "Tags" rather than "Technorati Tags" and I resize the font in the editor manually. I gave up on Qumana and I'm getting close to dropping Performancing. These were nice but I couldn't work around the shortfalls.

And now, it's time to go make up to my wife. Sunday, after church, the best I could do was get her to McDonald's - not good enough even though they have "kostenlosen WLAN". So this morning we will walk down to Cafe BonJour to enjoy some kaffee und kuchen.

1 comment:

  1. For a blog and HTML beginner like me, this is excellent stuff - thanks Rick.
