Friday, March 24, 2006

the gospel

Now here's an unlikely group:
John N. Akers, John Ankerberg, John Armstrong, D.A. Carson, Keith Davy, Maxie Dunnam, Timothy George, Scott Hafemann, Erwin Lutzer, Harold Myra, David Neff, Thomas Oden, J.I. Packer, R.C. Sproul, John Woodbridge, Eric Alexander, C. Fitzsimmons Allison, Bill Anderson, J. Kerby Anderson, Don Argue, Kay Arthur, Myron S. Augsburger, Theodore Baehr, Joel Belz, Henri Blocher, Donald G. Bloesch, Scott Bolinder, John Bolt, Gerald Bray, Bill Bright, Harold O.J. Brown, Stephen Brown, George Brushaber, David Cerullo, Peter Cha, Daniel R. Chamberlain, Bryan Chapell, David K. Clark, Edmund Clowney, Robert Coleman, Chuck Colson, Clyde Cook, Lane T. Dennis, David S. Dockery, Stuart Epperson, James Erickson, Tony Evans, Jerry Falwell, Sinclair Ferguson, Dwight Gibson, Wayne Grudem, Stan N. Gundry, Brandt Gustavson, Corkie Haan, Mimi Haddad, Ben Haden, B. Sam Hart, Bob Hawkins, Jr., Wendell Hawley, Jack W. Hayford, Stephen A. Hayner, D. James Kennedy, Jay Kesler, In Ho Koh, Woodrow Kroll, Beverly LaHaye, Tim LaHaye, Richard Land, Richard G. Lee, Duane Litfin, Crawford Loritts, Max Lucado, John MacArthur, Marlin Maddoux, Bill McCartney, David Melvin, Jesse Miranda, Beth Moore, Peter C. Moore, Pat Robertson, John Rodgers, Adrian Rogers, Doug Ross, Joseph F. Ryan, John Scott, David Short, Ronald J. Sider, Russell Spittler, James J. Stamoolis, Charles F. Stanley, Brian Stiller, John Stott, Joseph Stowell, Stephen Strang, Charles Swindoll, Joni Eareckson Tada, Thomas E. Trask, Jim Henry, Roberta Hestenes, Oswald Hoffman, R. Kent Hughes, Bill Hybels, Kay Cole James, David Jeremiah, Arthur P. Johnston, Howard Jones, Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., Kenneth Kantzer, T.M. Moore, Richard J. Mouw, Thomas J. Nettles, Roger Nicole, Luis Palau, Earl R. Palmer, Hee Min Park, Phillip Porter, Paul Pressler, Ray Pritchard, Robert Ricker, Augustin B. Vencer, Jr., Paul L. Walker, John F. Walvoord, Raleigh Washington, Greg Waybright, David F. Wells, Luder Whitlock, Bruce H. Wilkinson, David K. Winter and Ravi Zacharias
What do they have in common? The Gospel! See Steve Camp's post for more. What impresses me is that these diverse, great thinkers were able to come together on anything - thus further demonstrating the power of the Gospel. It would be great if their writings and preaching would continue in the same vein.

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  1. Anonymous4:16 AM

    sir ianniello,
    i agree that it's an amazing thing that such a diverse group would unite on anything. my question to you: what do you mean by your last sentence? (the "coming together on writing/teaching..." thing?)

  2. I was thinking:

    1) write/preach on the gospel primarily (it's hard to measure but the balance of information seems to sway toward the critical of others rather than the lifting up of Christ)

    2) when dealing with the differences, write/preach in the positive, i.e., tell me why you believe what you believe rather than what's so wrong with the other guy. Sell your side, don't attack his side.

    3) if confronting error on the other side is required, remember that we are still together on the Gospel and approach it in that manner - there's a lot of ugliness out there. Be specific and avoid generalizations, guilt by association, attacks on straw men, etc..

    I was NOT thinking compromise.

    I hope that makes more sense.

  3. Anonymous1:04 PM

    I'm sure we have discussed this before, but what would be your comments on the responsibility of church leaders to protect the flock and use the ministry of discernment? How should a church leader react to popular ministry that is often seen on TV such as Benny Hinn? How should a leader guard the flock from preaching that seems very attractive such as with much of what Schuller and Osteen preach? Or even worse, how does a church leader guard against those who prey on "weak women" such as Mormons and JW's? I agree that a ministry that is chiefly focused on criticizing others is skewed, but how do we practice discernment, and pass that discernment on to those under our care?
    Randy B.
