Tuesday, March 28, 2006

from anger to contempt to verbal desecration

In his discourse on Mt 5.22, Dallas Willard explains that Christ's words are more than "laws".
When I go to New York City, I do not have to think about not going to London or Atlanta. People don’t meet me at the airport and exclaim over what a great thing I did in not going somewhere else. I took steps to go to New York City, and that took care of everything. Likewise, when I treasure those around me and see them as God’s creatures designed for his eternal purposes, I do not make an additional point of not hating them or calling them [names]. . . . Not being wrongly angry . . . is a poor plan for treating people with love. Law for all of its magnificence, cannot do that. Graceful relationship sustained with the masterful Christ certainly can.
Treating people with love is the right plan for not being wrongly angry. We cannot simply avoid anger. We must actively pursue love. This is the righteousness that goes beyond that of the scribes and Pharisees. And as Willard concludes, "we learn this in our discipleship to Christ."

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