Wednesday, March 08, 2006

freedom in constraint

Lunch with Marlin was great as always. He's a sneaky guy. Some time ago he tricked me by asking me if we could have a mentoring relationship. He led me to believe that I would be the mentor and he would be the mentored (almost typed "mentee"). I am now convinced that I have received far more from the relationship than he has. I am amazed that he was able to detect that I needed so much help way back at the beginning.

Today we talked a lot of topics. He reminded me of the principle of "freedom in constraint", that is that some limits can be liberating. So I went home immediately and reduced my blog feeds by 25%...still too many (39) left but I kept the ones by friends, some current events, and some Christian stuff that builds me up. I decided to delete those that mostly frustrate me and the heavy theology ones. I'll try to shift some of my time back to reading books since they are often "meatier" and better edited then the average guy out there blogging.

I wanted to cut out more feeds but 11 are photoblogs and I really like the emotion and thoughts conjured up through a simple photograph. I hope that my own photography would one day reach the point to stir the soul [sigh]....and I suppose it shouldn't take me too long to read a picture.

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  1. Thanks, Rick, for the kind words. I clearly enjoyed it, too. It is always fun to talk with you about practical and spiritual things. Very challenging.

  2. I haven't been on the blogging scene very long but I have found it can consume a fair amount of time very quickly posting to your own, trying to keep up with just a handful of blogs and finding other interesting ones in the meantime.

    I was wondering how Rick seemed to have time to keep up with his and everyone elses and still read all those books. He is an amazing guy!

    I noticed that on some of the blogging sites you can sign up to be notified by email (RSS?) when new content is posted. I haven't seen this on site.
