Friday, March 31, 2006

dog gas

Now here is a must have item for those of you suffering from dog gas ...

Simple Design and Inexpensive

The Dogone - Dog Gas Neutralizing Pad is a comfortable and least intrusive means for deodorizing gassy discharges in a thong design. This will eliminate pet odors and dog odors from flatus or flatulence. [more]

What I like is that it must be targeting European dogs - note the "thong" style.

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  1. Do those come in large? Never give a rottweiler turkey!!!! Learned that lesson the hard way. Peeeeuuuu!

  2. They come in XXXL - in fact,I'm wearing one now. They are GREAT!

  3. Anonymous4:52 AM

    i can't even comment on this with a straight face.

  4. Anonymous7:06 AM

    How does Barb rate its effectiveness Rick?

    Shannon Laser - When are we goingt o hear more of your wisdom on your blog ??

  5. our dog could use that. of course he doesn't have much of a tail so it might not stay on. maybe double sided tape would work. i don't rick - you and my dad should have the work experience to know how to make one of those stick.

  6. me and wisdom - you sure you got the right shannon? :P

  7. Duct tape is man's answer to fixing or sticking anything and everything together, should work on the doggy odor thong too.

    Rick probably has a redneck joke about duct tape somewhere in that extensive listing he posted.
