Tuesday, March 21, 2006

calvin's drink

Great post by Wince Brack at the Pot Calling the Kettle


W.W.C.D. - (What Would Calvin Drink?)

Find out here!

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  1. Anonymous6:13 AM


  2. Anonymous10:03 AM

    ha! i have actually had this before and still have to bottle left over from my trip to geneva. at that time i had no idea who calvin was, but now im totally down with calvinism. i wonder if that drink did something to me...

  3. no, the beer doesn't convert you but it makes you a happier calvinist.

  4. so my question is - are we "free" to drink beer or are we "chosen" to drink beer?

  5. ah - free choice, a commonly misunderstood point. Of course I am free to choose. And I will naturally choose to follow the desire that is in my heart. Since my heart has been redeemed and is now set free from bondage, it will choose the beer.

  6. in the famous words of a great theologian - "mmmmmmmm....beeeeeer"

    is the beer served room temperature in germany?

  7. St. Homer - you did not mention his day in your list of special holidays. That aside, yes, beer is always served in the 1611 style, room temp - anything else would be anathema.

  8. you know this...but americans always serve it cold. i tend to like it room temperature. enough of the personal conversation on your comments section. sorry.
