Thursday, February 02, 2006


Gary Waller writes an excellent review in Allelon of George Barna's book "Revolution".

George Barna’s latest book, Revolution, is causing quite a stir. Blogs are all over the map. Opinions vary from those who really like what he has to say to those who see him as having lost his mind. The biggest value of Barna’s new book is this buzz of discussion that it has generated. Whether an individual agrees or disagrees with Barna, he certainly has captured the attention of the Western Church, particularly the church in North America.

The greatest value of the book is that it is an attempt to say something that many others have been saying for a few years. Barna’s highly respected, well known, mainline evangelical voice lends credibility to what others have sought to introduce for some time. Whether one believes that Barna proves his case at least he fosters discussion. Andrew Jones says, “I would recommend it as a first base book for those wondering what the emerging church is all about, and for those trying to explain these new forms of church to their superiors and are looking for someone recognizable and authoritative to quote.”

See here for the complete article. I agree with Waller's sentiment that we discover how to be revolutionaries within the church not by leaving it. Tod Bolsinger reminds us of a great principle in It Takes a Church to Raise a Christian.

“If you desire a transformed life, you must be transformed within the church. If you desire to be changed people, you must change the church. If you would find your life, you must lose it within a redeemed and redemptive Community that together lives the manner of abundant and exceptional life that God intended for us.”

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  1. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Hey Rick, Barna's "Revolution" will be discussed this Friday night (2-3-06) on the nationwide Moody Broadcasting Network. "Open Line" is a call-in show which is aired at 8-8:55 pm CT. The phone number to participate is 312-329-4460.

    What Barna is setting forth in this book has been subject to a wide variety of opinion and speculation. He was personally invited to clarify the issues. It should be an informative exchange.

    For station and time of broadcast information see The programs are archived for download/podcast if you're unable to tune in.

  2. a good review can be found here...

  3. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Like Barna said regarding "church": we made it up
