Wednesday, February 15, 2006

macarthur shot

Thanks to Randy for bringing the Hinn/MacArthur incident to my attention. Please, please, I pray this does not cause rioting and burning of embassies, etc..

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  1. Actually I passed this article on to my father and it was passed on to me from a friend in Nashville, TN. If anyone receives any royalties from this link it should be me...and my friend...and I guess we should give some to Mac to help out with hospital bills.

  2. See - this is what I love about you guys. I was trying to do a beautiful thing by aknowledging your Dad even with all of his faults. You approached it from a truth and accuracy perspective.

    We both love your dad but we see him through completely different lenses. :-)

  3. Wince, if there's to be any talk about paying royalties here...

    Thanks for the link Rick. I like your blog

    Marc from PURGATORIO

  4. uh, uh...uh...rick you really need to monitor the comments coming into your blog. i don't know who this marc guy is but he is somehow claiming rights. do we really have any rights?

    as for you marc...if that really is your name...nice work on the blog.

  5. We have to be careful...Marc at Purgatorio is in a-whole-nother league. Not that we would be worthy, but we don't want to become targets of his humor. He is too good for us.
