Sunday, February 12, 2006

kingdom of god - again

  1. All that we say and do is based on the once and for all achievement of Jesus. He brought to us (in terms of accessibility through the Church)  the Kingdom of God - He didn't just live it.
  2. Just as the foundation is the model (or template) for the rest of the building, likewise Jesus is for us. Jesus brought the good news of the Kingdom to Israel. The Church is to do the same to the world.
God's future for the world came through Jesus. As prophesied by Isaiah (particularly Isa 55.13), the Kingdom of God returns what was lost in Genesis chapter 3 to what is seen in Genesis chapters 1&2. When Jesus proclaimed "Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is near", He is saying more than "be impressed and turn from your sin". He is saying and doing the work of the Kingdom and He is saying to the Jew, "change the way you are thinking about your redemption, the time is now for you to come out of exile. Your King is here, enter into His Kingdom. And here, this is what it looks like." The crowds and religious leaders pressed in to Him to get answers.

Have our lives been so radically disrupted by the Kingdom of God that people come to us for explanation? Do our neighbors, family, coworkers, etc. press in and ask, "where do your find your joy?" or "how is it that that lame man can now walk?"

Lord God, give birth to my spirit that I may see and enter into your Kingdom. And then, for the time that you require me to remain here, let me live your Kingdom life.

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