Friday, February 03, 2006

the church is a people

NT Wright said, "The church is a people. A people on a mission together. A people who together reveal, reflect and witness to the presence of God. A people gathered by God in a particular place to 'be Jesus for the whole world.'" Let's continue to press in to our King. To experience the fullness of His Kingdom. Do not seek signs and wonders but seek the King and His Kingdom. His Kingdom redeems us from the effect of the Fall. I eagerly desire all that that means. So while I will not seek signs and wonders, I understand that this is part and parcel of His Kingdom.

Demonstration and proclamation of the Kingdom - that's what Jesus did, that's what He instructed His disciples to do, and that's what I expect to do by His grace. And I intend to do it all in unity and in love with those that share in this journey toward our King.

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