Sunday, January 22, 2006


They are at it again. The folks at  Saddleback Church have once again demonstrated that the concept of community extends beyond the idea of meeting for Bible study by hosting a night of Hollywood "Glitz & Glam". And of course, the usual suspects [here for a sampling] are criticizing this as compromising the Gospel by becoming worldly.
We must remain Christ centered but I continue to be amazed by those that criticize when someone demonstrates a level of excellence in an area not mentioned explicitly in the Bible. I wonder if the critics ever held a birthday party, a "potluck" (this is one that certainly should be in every Bible), attended a camp (retreat), etc.? And if so, consider it right only when someone is reading directly from the King James throughout the event? I wonder if they noticed that Christ didn't use a blog?
I've seen the kinds of events hosted by people spewing these criticisms (ok - reading from the KJV is an exageration) and they look like something my grandparents might have enjoyed. The idea that everything a Christian community does must happen in a sterile environment designed for two generations prior seems quite arbitrary. I can imagine the critic's grandparents criticizing their own generation for the same.
Let's enbrace Christ's warning to be  fruit inspectors. Let's keep our focus on Him. But come on, let's live His life in today's world, not that of our grandparents.
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