Monday, January 30, 2006


I forgot to mention that Isaiah turned 16 Sunday. God has really blessed me with a wonderful boy! I don't know anyone with a spirit as sweet as his.

Tonight I had dinner with Mary & Igor. These guys are great. They lead a small group with love, kindness, gentleness and wisdom. I respect their desire to see the body of Christ grow while they seek no recognition for themselves. They truly love God and others ahead of themselves. I appreciate their heart of service and the model that they live for me.

It seems that whenever I get into a "funk", God allows me to spend time with wonderful people like them. I also received a couple of emails from friends thanking me for adding to their lives...this in turn reminded me of some mails I received a few weeks ago from old, old friends who each mentioned how something I said or did made a positive impact on their lives. I must continue to press in toward Christ and allow Him to continue to work in and through me.

So while I know it's not about recognition from man, it sure is nice when God communicates thankfulness through others.

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