Thursday, January 19, 2006

open hearts

Alan Creech just posted an open hand about a series he's watching from Walking The Bible. The guide went on to the traditional place where it is believed Moses received the 10 Commandments where he spoke briefly with a priest. He asked, as he said he was now going to the summit of the mountain, "what should I listen for?" The priest answered, "the revelation of God is not something that can be predicted, but it is in holy places that we open our hand and it is in the open hand that we receive the gift."
As we are experiencing a wonderful time of "signs and wonders" right now, my observation of the difference between those that receive and those that do not, is simply whether or not they have an open hand. Many hearts are laid bare before the Lord and open to all that He wants to give. Others are locked in tradition, false teaching, fear, or simple hardness - and they continue to standby and wonder why the fuss. I pray that our hearts would be open to the fullness of God's grace toward us.


  1. Very good post! Thanks!


  2. Ella - thank you for your comments. I read some bitterness into your words. I will assume that is the result of this imperfect form of communication.

    I have and will continue to read my Bible and I'm in awe regarding the demonstration of God's power and in His promise to continue His Kingdom reign. Could you point me to some specific text that indicates we should not seek the power of God to change our lives? My understanding is that this is what He does and it is not limited to only certain aspects of our lives. It is only by His power that I am saved, that I have faith, that I have peace and love, etc. and I include physical and emotional healing in that.
