Monday, January 09, 2006

the holidays are over

The holidays are really over now. I got up early this morning because Barb is in bed sick. I had to get the kids up (more than once) for their first day back to school, cleaned some dishes, let the dog out, etc.. I made myself some coffee (LavAzza), tried to make it up the stairs quietly in the dark, spilled the coffee, ended up making a lot of noise and turning on the lights anyway...some days it's tough to sound spiritual.

Now I start work on the sermon for this weekend. As mentioned before, it's about giving. I do not share the popular view on tithing and I am finding it easy to communicate what I see as the right new testament teaching. My struggle is that because so many believe in tithing, I wanted to paint a clear picture of what that looks like from an old testament perspective. Wow - the Law is quite a maze. I have spent days reading and rereading the tithing passages and it isn't easy to untangle. That alone makes me wonder why so many are bent on teaching it. I can capture the heart of it but the details ... fahgeddaboutit!

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