Wednesday, January 18, 2006


I eventually gave in and subscribed to  Phil Johnson's blog. I found his "You're Probably Cessationist Too" post just too irresistible. I'm amazed at the genius and logic of Phil Johnson, JohnMacArthur, and others - equaled only by their inability to see clearly once they have made up their mind. I thought this post said it all.

I was with him until the end where he concludes that Scripture itself obviously states that the frequency of miracles was on the decline.  I missed that obvious part. He should have ended one paragraph earlier and then he would have demonstrated genius. I found this more interesting because in a later post he said that he hadn't made any actual claims requiring exegesis.

Of course the other flaw is the one not stated. While the assertion that there probably is not anyone (reputable anyway) that is a pure continuationist is true, I suspect that the reason many say they are not Cessationist is in reaction to those that are proud to be cessationist. In practice, those (at least the ones I know) claiming to be cessationist hold to the "all gifts ceased" thinking or arbitrarily choose which gifts continue and which ones do not. And and in the case of the latter, the definition typically goes like this, if someone of our ilk does it, it is ok and if someone we label charismatic does it, it is not.

This has been the source of my frustration. I am happy to say some points are closed, e.g., the canon of Scripture, but I'm not willing to say all has ceased and I refuse to be placed in a category of people that contain guys like these that voice their opinion with so much "venom" (for lack of a better word).

When I read books, listen to podcasts, etc. of guys on both sides of the issue, what I find is those that call themselves "non-cessationists" are using either scripture or their opinion (not so good) to promote their perspective.  When I attempt the same from the cessationist camp what I find is little support for their position, mostly just attacks directed at those outside their group.
So, I will continue to read and listen to them. They are brilliant and I think they could actually offer some help. I pray they would find a way of grace and teach on this topic with the same level of attention to Scripture as they do others.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Again, Rick, you should have given me credit for introducing you to the word "ilk". Randy B.
