Friday, December 09, 2005

sermon podcasts

A friend recently asked what podcasts I like. Here’s who I’m listening to (or considering listening to):

Vineyard Church – Columbus, OH – a lot of scripture and often unique insight. Rich Nathan is solid. I’ve met him several times and he has truly made an impact for the Kingdom.

Vineyard Church – Cambridge, MA – Dave Schmelzer is contemporary and well organized. I haven’t listened to much of his stuff yet but I suspect I will continue. A downside is this is not available via podcast – must manually download from site.

Vineyard Church – Champaign, IL – I used to know Hap Lehman and back then he was very motivational and spiritually challenging. I have not had a chance to listen to him recently.

Mosiac – Los Angeles – Erwin McManus, like Schmelzer, is contemporary and presents the message well. I haven’t listened to much yet but expect that I will like him more and more over time.

Desiring God Radio – I haven’t checked this out yet. I also have never listened to Piper live but I covet his written material. He is the best reformed theology preacher (at least in written form) today. Desiring God Sermons (Audio) (Resource) (email subscription) – same as above; I haven’t listened to the audio of his sermons but use his resource library regularly and receive his emails.

Grace To You – Ah, John MacArthur, the paradox…brilliant teacher but hater of anything that comes close to charisma. His detest for charismatics (and similar streams) color his teaching so much that it is often hard to keep tuned in. But if you can manage, there’s some gold in there.

Vineyard Church – Cincinnati, OH – probably my home fellowship starting in August. Dave Workman is contemporary and challenging. A downside is this is not available via podcast – must manually download from site. Net – the best theological speaker is Rich Nathan at Columbus (but his speaking mannerisms are tough for me). If his spoken message is well delivered, then I expect John Piper to become tops in that category. In terms of speaking style, Nathan and Piper are not at the top but the jury is still out on who is.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Thanks for the post Rick, I'll check out some of these. I noticed that Columbus Vineyard also has a site
    (The apple site didn't work for me!)
