Friday, December 23, 2005

more kingdom of god

In the Wikipedia link for the Kingdom of God, it was noted that this theology was “popularized” in the 1950’s. Whenever talking Scripture, I love things that are refreshing but get nervous if I hear something that is new. I found comfort in Ac 28.23, 30-31.

We also find the Kingdom of God mentioned 43 times in Matthew, 14 times in Mark, and 32 times in Luke. But it seems John's focus is on eternal life and Paul's is on salvation in Christ. We can however find an interpretive key in Lk 18.18-29 that helps. Here we see that Jesus saw eternal life and salvation as synonymous to the Kingdom of God. Eternal life is literally life in the age to come and that life begins right here and now. We have a foretaste of what is coming (He 6.5) which is why Jesus tells us to pray that His Kingdom would come to us here just as it already is in heaven (Mt 6.10). So good news - it's not new, just refreshing!

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