Monday, December 05, 2005

living life together

Last night we studied 1 Thessalonians 2. The more I read Scripture the more clearly I see the role of small groups in the life of the body. I’m amazed by proponents of various other ministries in place of small groups. While I value these expressions of service, none of them can compare to the value of small group participation nor find their root as clearly in Scripture.

In Thessalonians we looked at how Paul “delighted to share with [them] not only the gospel of God but [his life] as well.” I love the principle. My amazement with Paul (and my struggle with myself) is that Paul is able to share life, showing up at the appropriate time as mother, brother, and even father. My “toolkit” is not as diverse. I pray to put on the fullness of Christ, to be able to be all things to all people, and to be useful for the Kingdom in every way God places before me.

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