Monday, December 12, 2005


Reinforcing the definite link between our spiritual conversion and our relationship to money, I read a hard saying this morning from Mt 25.14-30. In this parable, the servant didn't misuse the resources given by the master. He didn't use these for sinful or selfish purposes. But by simply not using the resources for good, he had them taken away. Somehow our hearts allow us this much. But the hard saying is this, the servant is referred to as "wicked and lazy". Moreover, the master instructs, "throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." This is everlasting separation from our God and Father. To be truly born again means to have the spirit of God radically change us. If this change is not manifested in outward behavior, we must discern if there was any real inner change. Our relationship to money is one of the greatest challenges we face and an excellent plumb line by which to gage our spiritual health.

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