Saturday, December 10, 2005


Rich Nathan, VCF –Columbus, OH, teaches two kinds of Christianity; grapefruit versus chocolate milk. In grapefruit Christianity we have our lives in sections. Perhaps we have completely given over one part to Christ but there are other areas where He is not invited or has little impact. With chocolate milk Christianity, Christ is mixed in and affects the whole of life…it is radically changed. This is the message I want to communicate as I preach in January regarding our relationship to money. Our relationship with Christ must result in a radical change in our relationship to money. We cannot separate the two. Billy Graham said, "Every person's checkbook is a theological document. It tells you who and what they worship." Hundreds of years ago Martin Luther said, "People go through three conversions: their heads, their hearts, and their pocketbook. Unfortunately, they do not go through these three conversions at the same time."

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