Monday, December 26, 2005

christmas or god's days

I waited until after christmas for this post. There is much written against the practice of christmas (and easter); here is a sampling:

I have found much ugliness and contradiction in this season. I was recently confronted for use of an image in an advertisement for a church event. The image contained a photo of the astrological clock in Prague - a site visited by many without a thought of it's "evil" origins. Yet on Sunday I God's people worship in the presence of a larger than life tree with all of the traditional trimmings and practices. The speaker even asks the children what they got for Christmas. I wonder how the kids of those that do not celebrate Christmas feel.

Some years ago my family and I made an agreement that we would "celebrate" the season, i.e., we would have traditional decorations, etc., but we would do it only to invite someone that was alone or in need into our home. We would use the season to reach out and touch other lives. This year we failed. We did it all simply for ourselves. And so I write this post not to convince you to stop celebrating christmas but to encourage you to ask yourself why. Be careful when you answer that you are honest with yourself and God. And then, be aware how easily sin ensnares us so that even when we start with good intentions we do not always end that way. I am more determined than ever to not have this happen to me again. In addition, I will begin a study of the Biblical festivals. We've learned the way of the world but have lost sight of the feasts that God commanded. I look forward to bringing these into our family tradition.

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