Thursday, November 17, 2005

life together

Today was a reminder that life is more than a blog. A few days ago I was asked to do something by a godly man. I took issue with the request, not on biblical or spiritual grounds but simply because I saw the situation differently. Marlin gently reminded me that to submit and prefer another was the higher ground…and in fact, my resistance would only be perceived as pride and stubbornness – which of course it was (I like Marlin’s love for me). I yielded but begrudgingly…that is, I did what was asked but did not control the “fire” in a series of emails.

As God would have it, I saw this man today and the tension was high. Together we spent quite some time acting out our old natures. But praise is to God! We both saw the ugliness in us and forced ourselves to talk it through, understand the other’s perspective, and even more – ask for, give, and then receive forgiveness.

Today the kingdom of darkness was dealt a blow as two people who have no other reason than Christ lived together in love and forgiveness. We never really came to alignment on the triggering issue but it doesn’t matter – our unity in the body of Christ is of eternal importance, this issue was not.

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