Saturday, November 26, 2005

how can we help the suffering of others?

A stirring by Dan Wilt…

Guiding Idea: You can’t heal everything; and some things are not ready to be healed yet.

We can build bridges of kindness.

We can empathize - imaginatively enter into the perception of another.

Community can heal - practical acts of love are more powerful than we’ll ever know. It can offer support and accountability in practical ways.

To intercede for others in prayer is a way we can alleviate suffering that we ignore to our peril.

The prayer ministry pattern that is from the ancient pattern for baptism is confession, forgiveness and renunciation of evil. We can be a priest to each other, and lead each other, in this way. It’s an excellent way to cleanse the soul, both of yourself and others, along the journey.

These are all ways to care for the suffering of others. A commenter added, “to ‘be’ with those who are suffering.”

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