Monday, November 21, 2005


Today I am off to Moscow. I have been there only once before. This trip is for business but I hope to find some time for sightseeing – or at least get to the Hard Rock Café.

Barb and Angela are back from shopping in London. It’s great to have them back. I had a wonderful time with my son Isaiah but our house did not seem the same without these two “angels”.

The study in small group last night was challenging. We looked at 1 Chr 29.1-20 and discussed the concept of free and wholehearted giving. I love the sequence in the passage, i.e., God had given instructions to David regarding what needed to be done. David in turn gave sacrificially. Then the other leaders did the same. Then there was great worship. And then the people gave. It seems they gave cheerfully and they gave significantly. David did not take time to teach them about the tithe or outline the budget. Rather he proclaimed God’s providence.

The application is that all that we have in terms of time, energy, and money – any resource – comes from our Father above. He has provided and will continue to provide all that we need to accomplish what he has put before us. Out of that grace (2 Cor 8.1-9, 9.6-15) we must give cheerfully and sacrificially.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:26 PM

    excel in the grace of giving
